Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer School...

Well, the summer officially ended for me the Monday after July 4th. I began my yearly four-week Summer School "adventure." And I really do mean "adventure." It never fails to be an eventful, not to mention memorable, experience. This year has been no different. I am teaching 9 students ranging from 7th grade to upcoming seniors. At our school, the English students must make a 77% to pass and go into the next level of English; therefore, if they do not make a 77%, then they must take a 3-week remedial summer school course. If the student happens to actually fail with less than a 70%, then they must pass a 4-week summer school course. This year, I have quite the "interesting" student (who will remain nameless, just in case one of my students stumbles upon this web page). I've heard stories about this particular boy, but I did not believe that he could really be as..."odd" I had been told. Well, I've learned that the stories have been mild compared to the reality. Let's just say that bodily functions are not a private matter for this young individual...and leave it at that. Anyway, it's been a quick 3 weeks already, and I am definitely looking forward to finishing up next week! After that, I will have a few weeks until school starts up again...where did the summer go?!

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