After our first day of summer vacation yesterday, I had to sit down and re-evaluate my plan of attack. Shane was at volleyball camp all day (from 9am-7pm); and by the time he came home, I was ready to be admitted to the looney bin! I could have sworn my kids were on crack or something by the way they were acting! So, enlisting the aid of my sister-in-law Sara, we took my three kids (7, almost 4, and 2 1/2 mo.), her son Gage (11 mo.), and Laura Grace (almost 3), the little girl Sara nannies, to Barnes and Noble for "storytime." Okay, I can read your minds right now thinking "How can that POSSIBLY be 'better' than the chaos of yesterday?" Well, I'm glad you asked. Because you see, when it comes to "plans," Sara and I don't always think through our "plans" from start to finish. They always
sound much better in theory than in reality. If you can imagine the two of us, Xander, a single stroller, a sit-and-stand stroller (which is only supposed to carry two but with us carries three...and often four with our crew). I'm sure we are probably breaking several child-safety laws whenever we go anywhere, but we have yet to have a casualty. The kids listened to the story for about 2 minutes and then decided to "look for books." Gage was crawling around on the ground just as happy as could be, while Sara was receiving dirty looks from the other moms who were appalled that she would let him do so. I don't really know what the problem was. He only put one piece of plastic in his mouth, so we are calling it a good day! Cade and Laura Grace were following each other around the store picking out "the same" books, and Xander was making sure the books he chose were "challenging" enough! All the while, I was holding Hayes who was chewing on the binky I was holding into his mouth to keep him from fussing since he was hungry before schedule. As usual, Sara and I ignored the stares were were receiving from the other "more together" mothers in the store and finally gathered our herd and headed for the register. I'm sure Shane will be thrilled to know that the "free storytime" cost him exactly $18.98.

Heading for home to feed the hungry babies, we arrived at our house exhausted and once again wondering what we were smoking when we made plans for the morning excursion. Finally getting things under control, we enjoyed the afternoon watching Cade and Laura Grace play and laughing at their hilarious conversations! Xander was engrossed in his Game Boy, and the babies were napping. Life was good. Now, be warned that what you are about to witness on the video should not be tried at home. We are fully aware that this is the most unsafe trampoline ever; however, we have never had a casualty...well, until today. But before you watch this, just know that the victim was not harmed in any way and no tears were shed in the making of this video.
After Sara ran down to help her up, Laura Grace stood up dry-eyed and her hand to her head and said, "That thing just jumped me off!"
So, needless to say, the kids were finished jumping on the trampoline, and Sara and I are wondering where to get the address for "America's Funniest Home Videos." Not really.
Oh, that was so EXACTLY how I felt about our day! What fun, and you commemorated it so well.
That video cracks me up every time.
TOO FUNNY! I love Sara's GASP!
How funny! Sounds like you and Sara have quite the adventures!
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