So what could be more of an indication that fall is on its way than the introduction to soccer season? Ok - football season...but soccer is right up there on the list. I cannot express how excited I am that the boys will be involved in this sport. Growing up in the Midwest (apparently Ohio is still considered as such - go figure), soccer was the sport of choice for alot of kids. We spent our fall months crunching through leaves to the fields, often bundling up to weather the rain and the occasional snow, cheering our team on to victory. Ah the memories... Almost 20 years later, I have the pleasure of reliving those memories as I follow my boys around, Tarheel foldup chair in tow...proud mama cheering my athletes on to victory (minus the snow :).
This is Xander's first time playing soccer. He has played baseball for several years but never really got the hang of it...nor did he really care to. So you can imagine my surprise when he jumped feet first into soccer with an intensity I did not know existed within my academic ten-year-old. Watching him hustle like I've never seen him do, picking himself up and diving right back in when knocked to the ground, this proud mama's heart swelled with pride.
And then we have my sweet Cade...
This is actually Cade's second season playing soccer; however, the first time he played was two springs ago, and the organization in which he played was disorganized to the least. I sincerely doubt he learned very much. Cade is a natural athlete and takes whatever sport is at hand quite seriously. It was no surprise that he did the same with soccer, even to the point of extreme frustration when he made a simple mistake. We have alot of work to do harnessing Cade's emotions, but I believe with all my heart that sports will help tremendously.
As you can see, Shane was somehow "roped" into coaching Cade's team; but I assure you, very little coercing was involved. He is an amazing coach and loves nothing more than being a part of his boys' athletic endeavors. I have no doubt we will see this trend throughout their athletic careers.
And lastly, we have the soccer moms... My dear friend Angelina and I found some precious moments to catch up on the sidelines while cheering our blondies on. You just can't put a pricetag on good friends, and she is among the best.
I am so grateful for this opportunity for our boys to be a part of such an awesome sports program that will allow them to learn the fundamentals of soccer and character building principles, all based on a Christian foundation. It's going to be a great fall...
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