On Wednesday, we sent our little Cade off to K-4~ needless to say there were alot of tears...on MY part. Cade did just fine! At GCA, the boys have to wear ties, dress shirts, pants, and dress shoes for chapel. On the other days, as you can see in the last pictures, the boys can wear polo shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes or sandels. This was actually Cade's first time wearing a tie! (we are really into "comfort" in our family!) To help the kindergarten students have a better "first day," our school has them start a day before the 1st-12th grade students. Therefore, while we are taking these pictures, Xander is making the MOST of his last day of freedom by sleeping in!
Sending our little Cade off to school! (sniff!)
Cade and his best buddy, Lowell. GCA will never be the same!
Cade with his K-4 teacher, Mrs. Stephens.
When I picked Cade up after his first day, I asked him what he had learned that day at school. After considering it for a moment, he answered, "EVERYTHING! I don't need to go back anymore!" Oh, if it were ONLY that easy! :)
Thursday was Xander's and our first day of school. Xander was very excited to get the teacher that he was hoping for. Our school starts on Thursday, and Thursday and Friday are both half days. We believe in "easing into the year"!! :)
Xander, the "old pro," is enjoying showing Cade the ropes at school.

Shane and I with Xander on his first day of 2nd Grade!
They're getting so big!

The boys with Grandma Golden and Hayes before heading off to school. We are very fortunate to have Grandma watching Hayes this year for us; he is getting plenty of TLC!
Xander with his 2nd Grade teacher, Mrs. Vick.
We had a great first "week" and are looking forward to an exciting year!
Hey, where is the slideshow of your fam's week here? You mentioned one, but I didnt see it. Am I retarded?
Those school pics of the boys are too cute! I've enjoyed catching up on your blogging world.
No, you aren't crazy. The slideshow was "acting up" so I had to take it off. I've been meaning to fix it, but just haven't yet! You know how it goes! :)
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