Well, I will begin by saying that I know not everyone agrees that it's acceptable to take your kids trick-or-treating, and I respect that. I grew up taking part in the festivities, and we have continued the tradition with our children (within reason).
This year, since Hayes has been sick lately, he stayed back at the house with Shane and helped hand out candy while Josh, Sara, and I took Xander, Cade, and Gage around in our neighborhood. As you may see, Cade is wearing a different costume than the one he had on at the Fall Festival. I don't know if someone finally convinced him that Venom is a "bad guy" or what, but he decided that he wanted to pull out is old Spiderman costume for this occasion.
Packing the little ones into Gage's little red wagon, we set off for a chilly evening. For us northerners, the weather was just perfect for the holiday and made us think of our own childhood Halloween memories. While carting the boys from house to house, we greatly anticipated the warm bowl of chili and hot spiced cider back at the house.
Oh, I just LOVE fall!
Wrapper and ALL!
(we had only been to one house so far! :)
One house really got into the spirit with costumes and decorations!
I was afraid our resident scaredy-cat (Cade) would freak out, but he handled it pretty well. The people really seemed to enjoy the kids and kept loading them up with candy!
Super-Gage and Super-Mom!
Even super-heroes vote for McCain-Palin!
After two fun-filled evenings in a row (the night before was Fall Festival), the boys crashed hard. Don't you agree that there is nothing cuter than a sleeping child?!
Well, that wraps up our October Festivities...on to Thanksgiving!
Growing up in a family filled with traditions and making family memories, I am thoroughly enjoying establishing these wonderful traditions and memories for our children.
When all is said and done, these are the moments they will take with them and remember fondly for years to come!